The Benefits of Paleo Beef Jerky

When on the paleo diet and looking for good snack alternatives, one of the obvious places to look is toward beef jerky--but not all beef jerky is the same and there are some jerkys that don’t fit the specifications to be certified as paleo. So what makes beef jerky paleo, and what benefits does paleo beef jerky have for you?
What Does it Mean to Be Paleo Certified?
For a food to be paleo certified, it must meet the Paleo Foundation’s highest levels of scrutiny in its paleo compliance. Certified Paleo products are products that are dairy free, cane sugar free, soy free, additive free, and with no flavor enhancers. All of PREVAIL’s jerkys are Certified Paleo.
Not all jerkys can say this. Many jerkys (most, in fact) have flavor enhancers, soy, additives, and cane sugar. Being paleo is something special that takes extra effort on the part of the maker, and here at PREVAIL we go the extra mile to make sure that our jerky doesn’t simply meet those strict requirements but goes above and beyond: we are 100% gluten free, and our jerky comes from grass-fed, grass-finished, non-GMO beef, which is raised in New Zealand where they are antibiotic and hormone free. So, to say that PREVAIL’s beef jerky is simply paleo is to undersell it. It’s paleo and so much more.
What Are the Benefits of Paleo Beef Jerky?
Beef jerky is a perfect paleo diet snack that helps to promote weight loss. The high amount of protein in beef jerky makes it a natural hunger suppressant. Beef jerky also doesn’t affect your insulin levels, which helps to regulate how the body stores fat.
PREVAIL beef jerky’s benefits don’t stop there. Beef jerky is high in protein but very low in fat and carbs. A single serving of our Original Beef Jerky has 12 grams of protein, but only 1.5 grams of fat and 5 grams of carbohydrates. There’s little sodium, but it’s packed with healthy vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, B-12, and phosphorus.
As a snack during the day, PREVAIL paleo beef jerky can help to satisfy your hunger as well as stimulate your metabolism and give you extra energy when you’ve got those midday slumps.
Most people experience weight loss and muscle growth while eating Paleo, because when Paleo is combined with an active lifestyle your metabolism gets a boost, your gut health improves, you manage stress better, and you have an overall better quality of life.
Plus PREVAIL beef jerky avoids all of the additives and preservatives that Paleo diets are looking to cut out: we preserve our beef jerky with natural salts and sugars (coconut sugar, not cane sugar, which is much lower on the low-glycemic index), and then smoke the jerky with cherry wood for a natural preservation. Plus, the smoke adds a ton of flavor so there’s no need for food additives. Other flavors come from Paleo-friendly sources like coconut aminos--never soy.