PREVAIL Beef Jerky: The Healthiest Beef Jerky Option For You

When it comes to eating healthy, beef jerky is a great option. However, not all beef jerky is created equal. Many brands of beef jerky are loaded with preservatives and other artificial ingredients that can be harmful to your health.
PREVAIL Beef Jerky is different. Our beef jerky is made with only the finest ingredients, and it is free of preservatives, MSG, and other artificial additives.
Below we talk about why it is crucial to avoid snacks that are filled with preservatives and why you should go for healthier alternatives.
What Makes A Healthy Beef Jerky?
Healthy beef jerky must be high quality, minimally processed, low in sugar and salt, rich in protein with no preservatives. When choosing beef jerky snacks, always ensure not to compromise on any of the following:
- High-quality ingredients
- Minimally processed
- Low in sugar and sodium
- High in protein
- No preservatives
What Are Preservatives?
Preservatives are chemicals that are added to food products in order to extend their shelf life. Examples of such include:
- Sodium benzoate
- BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole)
- BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene)
- Propylene glycol
Why Are Preservatives Bad For You?
The problem with preservatives is that they can be harmful to your health. Some of the adverse effects that have been linked to their consumption include:
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Hormonal imbalance
- Kidney problems
- Liver damage
If you are looking for a healthier snack option, then PREVAIL Beef Jerky is a great choice. Our beef jerky is made without preservatives or other artificial ingredients, and it is sourced from grass-fed beef. This makes it a better option than traditional beef jerky brands that use unhealthy preservatives.
6 Keys To Choosing Good Beef Jerky
Choose Low Sodium Beef Jerky
Target: Keep it Under 400 mg per serving.
Salt will always be a part of jerky. It's an essential nutrient and natural preservative. Plus, salt is nature's seasoning, elevating the inherent meaty flavor of the jerky.
All within reason. An excessively high sodium content is not acceptable and should be avoided.
If you have a particular sensitivity to sodium, ensure to eat beef jerky with a sodium content of around 340 mg per serving.
Avoid Additives
Target: No or low Sugar, No Nitrates/Nitrites
Beef jerky is a pretty simple food. Meat, salt, seasonings (usually pepper and garlic), and a drying agent like honey. That's it.
But as the industry has gotten more competitive, some companies have started adding all sorts of unnecessary additives to their products in order to set themselves apart from the competition.
Ingredients like MSG (monosodium glutamate) and other artificial flavor enhancers can cause allergic reactions in some people. And preservatives like BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) have been linked to cancer.
Your best bet is to choose beef jerky that is free of all additives, and nitrates/nitrites. PREVAIL Beef Jerky fits this bill, as it contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives.
Always Go For Jerky With High Protein Content
Target: At Least 12g Per serving
When you're looking for a healthy snack, protein is always crucial. And beef jerky is no exception. This makes it an excellent choice for athletes and people who are trying to maintain or lose weight.
PREVAIL Beef Jerky offers even more protein than the average brand, with 12g of protein per serving. So if you're looking for a high-protein beef jerky, PREVAIL should definitely be your go-to.
Choose Jerky That Is Low In Fat
Target: Under 3g Per serving
Beef jerky is not exactly known for being a low-fat food. Most brands contain around 20-25g of fat per serving. While this may not be a problem for some people, it can be an issue for those who are trying to watch their weight or maintain a healthy diet.
PREVAIL Beef Jerky offers a much healthier option, with only 1.5 g of fat per serving. This makes it an excellent choice for people who are looking for a high-protein snack that doesn't contain too many calories.
Ensure The Brand Uses High Quality Ingredients
Target: No Preservatives, No MSG
When you're looking for a good beef jerky, it's important to look for brands that use high-quality ingredients. This means choosing jerky that is free of preservatives and MSG.
PREVAIL Beef Jerky meets both of these criteria, as it contains no preservatives or MSG and uses only the finest grass-fed beef.
Look For A Brand That Uses Sustainable Practices
Target: Grass-Fed, No Antibiotics, No Hormones
When you're looking for a good beef jerky, it's important to look for brands that use sustainable practices. This means choosing jerky that is made with grass-fed beef and no antibiotics or hormones.
PREVAIL Beef Jerky meets all of these criteria, as it is made with only grass-fed beef and contains no antibiotics or hormones. So if you're looking for a healthy and sustainable option, PREVAIL is the brand for you.
Why Grass-Fed Beef?
Grass-fed beef jerky comes from cows that have been raised on pastureland, where they can feed on natural grasses and herbs. This diet results in meat that is lower in saturated fat and higher in omega-three fatty acids than beef from cows that are fed a grain-based diet.
Grass-fed beef is also higher in vitamins and minerals than conventionally raised beef, and it contains more antioxidants than meat that comes from feedlot cattle.
If you are looking for a healthier and more sustainable option, then grass-fed beef is the way to go. PREVAIL Beef Jerky is made with only the finest grass-fed beef, so you can be sure that you are getting the best possible product.
So there you have it! Six keys to choosing healthy jerky. If you are looking for a healthy, sustainable, and delicious snack option, we are here for you!
Top 4 Healthiest Beef Jerky Options
The following four healthy beef jerky options are sugar-free. They're also gluten-free and don't include any added taste enhancers or preservatives!
They're fantastic meal alternatives for weight reduction when used in conjunction with a balanced, healthy diet.
PREVAIL'S Original Beef Jerky
You've never tried Original Jerky like this. Reminiscent of backyard barbecues, this flavor is a salute to keeping things simple. Our nontraditional and now not-so-secret spice blend is sure to become your next crave-worthy addiction. Just tear open the bag. You'll believe it when you smell it.
This is a top-selling healthy beef jerky. It's an excellent option for those looking for sugar-free, low carb, keto-friendly, and high protein.
Per Serving
- Calories: 70
- Total Fat: 1.5g
- Saturated Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 280mg
- Carbohydrate: 5g
- Sugar: 4g
- Protein: 12g
PREVAIL'S Spicy Beef Jerky
This savory snack has a kick that keeps on kicking. The trick? Morita Chile Peppers from Mexico. They're bold and smoky yet fruitier than your average pepper.
Combining their pronounced smoky and fruity flavors with their subtle chocolatey sweetness gives a nod to the humble yet complex mole. So the heat may take you by surprise, a very pleasant surprise.
Lean cuts of 100% grass fed beef are chopped and mixed with a rich medley of natural spices.
Per Serving
- Calories: 70
- Total Fat: 1.5g
- Saturated Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 280mg
- Carbohydrate: 5g
- Sugar: 4g
- Protein: 12g
PREVAIL'S Lemongrass Beef Jerky
When life gives you lemongrass, make jerky. Lemongrass, garlic, and a few other flavors complement each other like yin and yang to create a flavor fusion never before tasted by the jerky world. A sweet and citrusy zest that keeps you wanting more. Now stop reading and dig in
No MSG or nitrates, no fillers, no binders, and no added preservatives. All you'll get is organic beef.
Per Serving
- Calories: 70
- Total Fat: 1.5g
- Saturated Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 280mg
- Carbohydrate: 5g
- Sugar: 4g
- Protein: 12g
PREVAIL'S Umami Beef Jerky
It's sweet; it's savory; it's umami. But it's not your mommy's Teriyaki. We use coconut aminos made from aged coconut sap to help create this uniquely alluring flavor. The five basic flavor profiles are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. This flavor helps achieve taste utopia all in one bite. Umami Jerky for breakfast? We won't judge.
Per Serving
- Calories: 70
- Total Fat: 1.5g
- Saturated Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 280mg
- Carbohydrate: 5g
- Sugar: 4g
- Protein: 12g
PREVAIL Beef Jerky is the best option for you. Our beef jerky is made with only grass-fed beef and contains no antibiotics or hormones. It contains only natural ingredients and is Top 8 Allergen Free! We also use sustainable practices, so you can be sure that you are getting a quality product. So if you are looking for a healthy, sustainable, and delicious protein packed snack, our jerky is definitely the best option for you!